# ---------------------------------------------- #
# ----- Introduction to R: Getting Started ----- #
# ---------------------------------------------- #
# INSTRUCTOR: Chris Fariss
# Copyright (c) 2012, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
# For more information see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
# All rights reserved.
# --------------------- #
# ----- install R ----- #
# --------------------- #
# download R here: cran.r-project.org/
# open the .R file using any text or source code editor such as:
# TextEdit, emacs, Aquamacs, notepad++ , or Xpad
# set the working directory to the folder containing the data files
# the set working directory command in R is setwd()
# type ?setwd for help documentation
# to set the path type into R:
# setwd("PATH_NAME")
# where PATH_NAME is the path to the folder with the data
# ---------------------------- #
# ----- install packages ----- #
# ---------------------------- #
# ------------------------- #
# ----- load packages ----- #
# ------------------------- #
# --------------------- #
# ----- load data ----- #
# --------------------- #
data <- read.csv("http://polisci2.ucsd.edu/cfariss/code/macro.csv")
# note that you can also download the data and load it from your working directory (you need to "un-comment" the line below for it to function)
#data <- read.csv("macro.csv")
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# ----- end file ----- #
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