
{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;}





\f0\fs24 \cf0 Step 1: Download R\



\cf0 cran.r-project.org\


\cf0 \

Step 2: Create a folder for this session called "RIntro" on your Desktop.\


Step 3: Download practice data into the "RIntro" folder.\



\cf0 The "macro.csv" file linked from Chris's webpage in the "Teaching" Section:\

{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://polisci2.ucsd.edu/cfariss/Home/Christopher_J_Fariss.html"}}{\fldrslt http://polisci2.ucsd.edu/cfariss/Home/Christopher_J_Fariss.html}}\


Direct link to CSV file: \

\cf2 \ul \ulc2 http://polisci2.ucsd.edu/cfariss/code/macro.csv\cf0 \ulnone \


\cf0 \

Step 4: Save the \'93R_Getting_Started\'94 file (attached to email) and open it in a text editor (such as TextEdit, emacs, Aquamacs, notepad++ , or Xpad)\


Step 5: Follow the instructions on "R_Getting_Started" for setting the working directory, installing and loading packages, and loading data. }